Tuesday 25 August 2015

Medical book by Jaikumar pareta


A plant for future

Medical book By Jaikumar pareta
With the emergence of Ayurveda and the related herbs and plants, there are many plants, which are researched about, and people are showing interest in knowing the values of thee plants, which lost their importance. Jimson weed is one of those plants, which had many medicinal values and was recognized by ayurvedic physicians in the previous times in the Indian subcontinent. Now with the renewed interest that is being taken in the Jimson weed here we would discuss the Jimson weed and its medicinal values.
Datura plant is also known as "Datura stramonium" which is its scientific name. The other names are Jimson weed, Stinkweed, Mad Apple, Apple Thorn, Stramonium and Dhatura tatula. The parts, which are used, are the seeds, leaves and flowers. It is mainly found in the foothills of Himalayan mountain range and each flower of Datura plant is large and in the shape of a trumpet which bloom only in the summer season and in the nights. The stalk of this plant is woody and the flowers of this plant are either white or purple. It can also be found in varying shades of yellow. They have pods, which look like spikes. The arrangement of leaves is alternate. As stated earlier the flower blossoms at night and has fresh lime like fragrance but due to it’s blooming in the night the pollination of this plant is difficult. So the only insect that pollinates this plant primarily is Hawk Moth, there are other insects as well, which visit the flower in the early morning that also helps in the process of pollination.
The Thornapple is, like the Henbane, a member of the order Solanaceae. It belongs to the genus Datura, which consists of fifteen species, distributed throughout the warmer portion of the whole world, the greatest number being found in Central America. Nearly all of them are used locally in medicine, and are characterized by similar properties to those of the official species, Datura stramonium. The plants vary from herbs to shrubs, and even trees.
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Category: Education,  Herbs & Spices,  Health,  Nature
Keywords: thornapple, Datura, moonflower
Published: 04/23/2015
Words: 7,550
Bookviews: 261

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Monday 24 August 2015



Resin may be defined as complex amorphous product of more or less solid characteristics, which, on heating, first soften and then melts. Resins form an ill-defined group of plant products which are produced normally during growth or secreted as a result of injury to the plant. General properties of resins: 1. Hard, transparent or translucent brittle materials. 2.Amorphous materials but rarely crystallisable in nature. 3.Resins are bad conductors of electricity. 4.Specific gravity ranging from 0.9-1.25. 

Occurrence: Resins are plant products with the exception of shellac, insect secretion. They are formed in the schizogenous ducts / cavities . The resinous exudation may consist almost entirely of resin e.g. Benzoin; Resin when associated with gum ; it is an gum-resin Resin when associated with volatile oil ; it is an oleo-resin when a considerable proportion of volatile oil also present it is called an oleo-gum-resin eg. Myrrh. Those resins or oleo-resins which contain benzoic or cinnamic acid either free or combined are commonly called balsmas. e.g. Benzoin Balasam of Tolu.

Classification: . Basis of their occurrence in combination Balsams: . e.g : Tolubalsam , Benzoin . Oleo-gum resins: e.g : Asafoetida , Myrrh. Glycoresins ( Glucoresins ): e.g. Podophyllum , Jalap. Oleoresins: e.g. Ginger, Male Fern. Gum-resins: e.g. Ammoniacum . Basis of the constituents of the resin: Acid resins: e.g:Colophony ( abetic acid), Copaiba ( copalvic and oxy- copalvic acid). Ester resins: e.g : Benzoin and Storax . Benzoin Resin alcohols: e.g : Balsam of Peru with perureslonotannol . Resin phenols: e.g : The resinotannols are found in balsam of Peru as Peruresinotannol . Resenes : e.g : Asafoetida Taxaonomical classification: Coniferous Resins: e.g.Colophony,Sandarac . Berberidaceae Resins: e.g.: Podophyllum . Zygophyllaceae Resins: e.g.: Guaiacum

Identification tests: Dissolve 0.1 gm of powdered drug in 10 ml acetic anhydride in a dry test tube. Add a drop of concentrated sulphuric acid to the cold solution. Purple colour appears which quickly changes to dark violet on standing. Dissolve powdered drug in petroleum ether. To 5 ml of filtrate, add 10 ml of dilute solution of copper acetate. Petroleum ether layer develops green colour due to formation of abietic acid salt with copper . Isolation of Resins: By extraction with alcohol and precipitation with water. e.g. Jalap, Podophyllum , Ipomoea, Capsicum, Ginger etc. 2. By distillation for separation of oil: e.g. Copaiba, colophony etc. 3. By heating plant part. e.g. Guaiacum. 4. As plant exudates by incision. e.g. Myrrh, asafetida, balsams etc. 5. By collecting fossil resins. e.g. Copal, kauri etc

CHEMICAL COMPOSTION AND ISOLATION• complex mixture of acids, alcohols, phenols, esters, glycosides orhydrocarbons.• When associated with volatile oils, contains monoterpenoids,sesequiterpenoid and diterpenoids.• gums when associated with resin: acacia gum: oxidase enzymes.• gums when associated with resin: acacia gum: oxidase enzymes.ISOLATION:• difficult task due to presence of various combinations.• Extraction with alcoholic solvents and then the subsequentprecipitation by adding concentrated alcoholic extract to a largeproportion of water.• Hydro distillation or distillation can be used for separation of volatileoils from resins. (separation of resin from turpentine)

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Ayurvedic preparations by Jaikumar pareta


Ayurveda is the science of health and healing practiced by ancient Aryans which is based on Atharva-veda
The Ayurvedic drugs are obtained from natural source only i.e. from plants, animals or from minerals.
Ayurvedic dosage forms can also be grouped into four types depending upon their physical forms.

(a) Solid dosage forms : Pills, Gutika, Vatika.
(b) Semi-solid dosage forms : Avleha, Paka, Lepa, Ghrta
(c) Liquid dosage forms : Arista, Asava, Taila, Dravaka, Arka.
(d) Powder dosage forms : Bhasma, Satva, Pisti, Parpati, Lavana, Curna.


 these are fermented preparations of medicinal plants. The fermentation procedure adopted to prepare these preparations is termed as ‘Sandhaana kalpanaa’ and the ferment used to stimulate fermentation is termed as ‘Sandhaana dravya’. Aasavas are usually prepared by fermenting expressed juice (‘swarasa’), whereas ‘Aasavas’ are prepared from fermentation of decoction (Kwaatha). Sugar or jaggery and powders (choorna) of other medicinal plants as required along with a natural ferment are added to these two liquids and they are left in a closed container till the fermentation is completed. Aasava and Aristaas can be prepared from ‘swarasa’ or ‘kwaatha’ (as the case may be) of single plant or from a mixture of ‘swarasa’ or ‘kwaatha’ from multiple plants. This facilitates the extraction of the active principles contained in the drugs. The alcohol generated in this process serves as a self preservative. Both function as weak wines but rich and fortified with active principles 
Asavas and Aristas are the medicinal preparations prepared by soaking the drugs in the powdered form, in the solution of the sugar jaggery as may have indicated for a specified period of time.
Example : Kumariasav, Madhukasv, Punernavasav, Lohasav, Ashokarista.


It is the liquid preparation obtained by distillation of certain liquids or crude drugs soaked in water using distillation unit.
Example : Ajmodarka, Karpurady arka, Jatamamsyarka.


Avaleha or leha is a semisolid preparation of drugs prepared by addition of sugar, jaggery or sugar candy and boiled with prescribed drug-juice or decoction.
Example : Draksavaleha, Vasavaleha.

Fine powder of drug is known curns. Drugs mentioned in yoga are cleaned properly, dried thoroughly, pulverised and then sieved.
Example : Triphala churna, Trikatu churna.

The preparationed in the forms of paste meant for external application on the body are known as lepa.
Example : Sinduradi lepa, Pathyadi lepa.

The liquid preparations obtained from lavanas or ksharas are known as Dravakas.
Example : Sankha-dravaka.

Tail are preparations in which oil or ghee is boiled with prescribed kasaayas (decoction) and kalkas (fine paste) of drugs according to the formula. This process ensures absorption of the active therapeutic properties of the ingredients used, into the oil base. In these preparations three ingredients are essential- sneha ( ghee or oil), drava (liquid)- which may be decoctions, expressed juice etc., and kalka-the fine paste of the ingredients. The ratio of the ingredients, unless specified otherwise, is oil four part, kalka- one part and liquid sixteen parts ( however, there are several exceptions). During preparation the fine paste and liquids are mixed together and then oil or ghee is added and boiled on mild fire and continuously stirred to ensure that the fine paste does not stick to the vessel. The boiling is continued till the liquid portion gets evaporated, at this stage the moisture of the fine paste starts evaporating. This is tested with the help of a ladle to determine the paaka (cooking stage). The paaka is categorized in to mridu (soft)- if the paste is waxy when rolled between fingers, madhyama (moderate) if the paste is hard and fires without cracking noise when put in to fire and khara (hard) if it burns with cracking sound when placed in fire. The ideal condition of the medicated oil is attained when uniform froth comes out and subsides in case of medicated ghee. This is the general procedure- depending upon the ingredients used, different modifications have been mentioned.

Oil prepared with mridu paaka (mild cooked) is used for nasal insufflations (Nasya) ‘madhyama paaka’. Medium cooking stage oil is used for enema and oral administration. Khara paaka (rough consistency) oil is used for bathing. The medicated oil generally will have the colour, odor and taste of the ingredients used. They are preserved in glass, polythene or aluminum containers. Preparations for internal use keep their potency for about sixteen months. Medicated oils when used for internal purpose are administered along with adjuvants known as anupana. When no Anupana is specified such oil should be taken with warm water or warm milk.

8. Vati and Gutikas- drug forms prepared in the form of tablet or pills. They are made of one or more drugs of plant, animal or mineral origin. The plant ingredients are dried and made into fine powders, separately and ground to soft pastes before they are rolled in to pills with the help of fingers. Sometimes minerals are also used as ingredients in such cases the mineral is converted to Bhasmas (calcined metallic compounds) and used as ingredients. When more than one liquid is mentioned for grinding, they are used in succession. When the mass is properly ground and is in a condition to be made into pills- flavoring agents are added and ground again. The criterion to determine the final stage of the formulation before making pills is that it should not stick to the fingers when rolled. Pills may be dried in shade or under direct sunlight as specified in the texts. In cases where sugar or jaggery is mentioned, paaka (consistency) should be made on mild fire and removed from the oven. The powders of the ingredients are added to the Paaka and briskly mixed. When still warm, vatis should be rolled and dried in shade. Pills made of plant drugs when kept in air tight containers can be used for two years. Pills containing minerals can be used for an indefinite period.
In addition to the above discussed formulation types there are other purely mineral based formulations like kupipakwa rasaayana, parpati, pisti, bhasma etc., these are also used in therapeutics. Information related to these preparations would be discussed in another review which is under preparation. Apart from oral dosage forms, drugs administered through other routes of administration such as per-rectal, per urethral, per vaginal, nasal etc., are also described by classics.. Creams, ointments, lotions, dusting powders etc., are also described for external application. Thus ‘Ayurvedic Bhaisajya Kalpanaa’ encompasses a wide range of drug dosage forms which can be used by the health care provider in accordance with the patient requirements. 

Tuesday 11 August 2015

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Thursday 6 August 2015

Novel polyherbal therapy for healthy skin Medical research book by Jaikumar Pareta


  •  available at:


There are many different classes of naturally occurring compounds. Terpenoids also form a group of naturally occurring compounds majority of which occur in plants, a few of them have also been obtained from other sources. Terpenoids are volatile substances which give plants and flowers their fragrance. They occur widely in the leaves and fruits of higher plants, conifers, citrus and eucalyptus. The term ‘terpene’ was given to the compounds isolated from terpentine, a volatile liquid isolated from pine trees. The simpler mono and sesqui terpenes are chief constituent of the essential oils obtained from sap and tissues of certain plant and trees. The di and tri terpenoids are not steam volatile. They are obtained from plant and tree gums and resins. Tertraterpenoids form a separate group of compounds called ‘Carotenoids’ The term ‘terpene’ was originally employed to describe a mixture of isomeric hydrocarbons of the molecular formula C10H16 occurring in the essential oils obtained from sap and tissue of plants, and trees. But there is a tendency to use more general term ‘terpenoids’ which include hydrocarbons and their oxygenated derivatives. However the term terpene is being used these days by some authors to represent terpenoids. By the modern definition: “Terpenoids are the hydrocarbons of plant origin of the general formula (C5H8)n as well as their oxygenated, hydrogenated and dehydrogenated derivatives.” Isoprene rule: Thermal decomposition of terpenoids give isoprene as one of the product. Otto Wallach pointed out that terpenoids can be built up of isoprene unit. Isoprene rule stats that the terpenoid molecules are constructed from two or more isoprene unit


medical book by:

jaikumar pareta

published by Polarbear publishing house

Available to sell at:


Saturday 1 August 2015

Quality control & evaluation of natural drugs medical book by jaikumar pareta

Quality control & Evaluation of natural drugs 

by: Jaikumar pareta

Medical book  available to sell at:

         http://www.bookworld.com.au/ebooks/quality-control-and-evaluation-of-                       natural- drugs-jaikumar-pareta/p/1230000520300(australia)
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Available in Epub, pdf, rtf and many formats

  • Evaluation of drug means confirmation of its identity and determination of its quality and purity and detection of nature of adulteration. Involved Evaluation and Standardization techniques for crude drugs, mono or Polyherbal Frormulation. They involved the macroscopic techniques, microscopic techniques, physical evaluation and biological evaluation. They also involved the Quantitative analysis of Organophosphorus insecticides, Organochlorine and pyrethroid insecticides, microbial content determination.
Product details
Industrial quality control
Publication Date:

Phytochemical Screening:Preparation of extract

Phytochemical Screening:

a) Preparation of extractb)Screening of phytochemical


Plant-derived substances have recently become of great interest owing to their versatile applications. Medicinal plants are the richest bio-resource of drugs of traditional systems of medicine, modern medicines, nutraceuticals, food supplements, folk medicines, pharmaceutical intermediates and chemical entities for synthetic drugs. Extraction (as the term is pharmaceutically used) is the separation of medicinally active portions of plant (and animal) tissues using selective solvents through standard procedures. The products so obtained from plants are relatively complex mixtures of metabolites, in liquid or semisolid state or (after removing the solvent) in dry powder form, and are intended for oral or external use.
 These include classes of preparations known as decoctions, infusions, fluid extracts, tinctures, pilular (semisolid) extracts or powdered extracts. Such preparations have been popularly called galenicals, named after Galen, the second century Greek physician .Extraction methods used pharmaceutically involves the separation of medicinally active portions of plant tissues from the inactive/inert components by using selective solvents. During extraction, solvents diffuse into the solid plant material and solubilize compounds with similar polarity. The purpose of standardized extraction procedures for crude drugs (medicinal plant parts) is to attain the therapeutically desired portions and to eliminate unwanted material by treatment with a selective solvent known as menstrum. The extract thus obtained, after standardization, may be used as medicinal agent as such in the form of tinctures or fluid extracts or further processed to be incorporated in any dosage form such as tablets and capsules.
These products contains complex mixture of many medicinal plant metabolites, such as alkaloids, glycosides, terpenoids, flavonoids and lignans . The general techniques of medicinal plant extraction include maceration, infusion, percolation, digestion.
Plants are a source of large amount of drugs comprising to different groups such as  antispasmodics, emetics, anti-cancer, antimicrobials etc. A large number of the plants are claimed to possess the antibiotic properties in the traditional system and are also used extensively by the tribal people worldwide. It is now believed that nature has given the cure of every disease in one way or another. Plants have been known to relieve various diseases in Ayurveda. Therefore, the researchers today are emphasizing on evaluation and characterization of various plants and plant constituents against a number of diseases based on their traditional claims of the plants given in Ayurveda. Extraction of the bioactive plant constituents has always been a challenging task for the researchers. In this present review, an attempt has been made to give an overview of certain extractants and extraction processes with their advantages and disadvantages: Medicinal plants, phytochemicals, extraction, solvent, screening. decoction, hot continuous extraction (Soxhlet), aqueous-alcoholic extraction by fermentation, countercurrent extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, ultrasound extraction (sonication), supercritical fluid extraction, and phytonic extraction (with hydrofluorocarbon solvents).
For aromatic plants:  hydrodistillation techniques (water distillation, steam distillation, water and steam distillation), hydrolytic maceration followed by distillation, expression and enfl eurage (cold fat extraction) may be employed. Some of the latest extraction methods for aromatic plants include headspace trapping, solid phase microextraction, protoplast extraction, microdistillation, thermomicrodistillation and molecular distillation . The basic parameters influencing the quality of an extract are : 1. Plant part used as starting material
2. Solvent used for extraction
3. Extraction procedure Effect of extracted plant phytochemicals depends on :
1. The nature of the plant material
2. Its origin
3. Degree of processing
4. Moisture content
 5. Particle size
The variations in different extraction methods that will affect quantity and secondary metabolite composition of an extract depends upon [
1. Type of extraction 2. Time of extraction 3. Temperature 4. Nature of solvent 5. Solvent concentration 6. Polarity Plant material Plants are potent biochemists and have been components of phytomedicine since times immemorial; man is able to obtain from them a wondrous assortment of industrial chemicals. Plant based natural constituents can be derived from any part of the plant like bark, leaves, flowers, roots, fruits, seeds, etc i.e. any part of the plant may contain active components. The systematic screening of plant species with the purpose of discovering new bioactive compounds is a routine activity in many laboratories. Scientific analysis of plant components follows a logical pathway. Plants are collected either randomly or by following leads supplied by local healers in geographical areas where the plants are found .

Fresh or dried plant materials can be used as a source for the extraction of secondary plant components. Many authors had reported about plant extract preparation from the fresh plant tissues. The logic behind this came from the ethno medicinal use of fresh plant materials among the traditional and tribal people. But as many plants are used in the dry form (or as an aqueous extract) by traditional healers and due to differences in water content within different plant tissues, plants are usually air dried to a constant weight before extraction.

Choice of solvents Successful determination of biologically active compounds from plant material is largely dependent on the type of solvent used in the extraction procedure. Properties of a good solvent in plant extractions includes, low toxicity, ease of evaporation at low heat, promotion of rapid physiologic absorption of the extract, preservative action, inability to cause the extract to complex or dissociate. The factors affecting the choice of solvent are quantity of phytochemicals to be extracted, rate of extraction, diversity of different compounds extracted, diversity of inhibitory compounds extracted, ease of subsequent handling of the extracts, toxicity of the solvent in the bioassay process, potential health hazard of the extractants . The various solvents that are used in the extraction procedures are:

1. Water: Water is universal solvent, used to extract plant products with antimicrobial activity. Though traditional healers use primarily water but plant extracts from organic solvents have been found to give more consistent antimicrobial activity compared to water extract. Also water soluble flavonoids (mostly anthocyanins) have no antimicrobial significance and water soluble phenolics only important as antioxidant compound.
2. Acetone: Acetone dissolves many hydrophilic and lipophilic components from the two plants used, is miscible with water, is volatile and has a low toxicity to the bioassay used, it is a very useful extractant, especially for antimicrobial studies where more phenolic compounds are required to be extracted. A study reported that extraction of tannins and other phenolics was better in aqueous acetone than in aqueous methanol .Both acetone and methanol were found to extract saponins which have antimicrobial activity
3. Alcohol: The higher activity of the ethanolic extracts as compared to the aqueous extract can be attributed to the presence of higher amounts of polyphenols as compared to aqueous extracts.
4. Chloroform: Terpenoid lactones have been obtained by successive extractions of dried barks with hexane, chloroform and methanol with activity concentrating in chloroform fraction. Occasionally tannins and terpenoids will be found in the aqueous phase, but they are more often obtained by treatment with less polar solvents.
5. Ether: Ether is commonly used selectively for the extraction of coumarins and fatty acids [10]. Dichloromethanol: It is another solvent used for carrying out the extraction procedures. It is specially used for the selective extraction of only terpenoids.
a. Plant tissue homogenization: Plant tissue homogenization in solvent has been widely used by researchers. Dried or wet, fresh plant parts are grinded in a blender to fine particles, put in a certain quantity of solvent and shaken vigorously for 5 - 10 min or left for 24 h after which the extract is filtered. The filtrate then may be dried under reduced pressure and redissolved in the solvent to determine the concentration. Some researchers however centrifuged the filtrate for clarification of the extract.
b. Serial exhaustive extraction: It is another common method of extraction which involves involves successive extraction with solvents of increasing polarity from a non polar (hexane) to a more polar solvent (methanol) to ensure that a wide polarity range of compound could be extracted. Some researchers employ soxhlet extraction of dried plant material using organic solvent. This method cannot be used for thermolabile compounds as prolonged heating may lead to degradation of compounds.
c. Soxhlet extraction: Soxhlet extraction is only required where the desired compound has a limited solubility in a solvent, and the impurity is insoluble in that solvent. If the desired compound has a high solubility in a solvent then a simple filtration can be used to separate the compound from the insoluble substance. The advantage of this system is that instead of many portions of warm solvent being passed through the sample, just one batch of solvent is recycled. This method cannot be used for thermolabile compounds as prolonged heating may lead to degradation of compounds.
d. Maceration: In maceration (for fluid extract), whole or coarsely powdered plantdrug is kept in contact with the solvent in a stoppered container for a defined period with frequent agitation until soluble matter is dissolved. This method is best suitable for use in case of the thermolabile drugs
e. Decoction: this method is used for the extraction of the water soluble and heat stable constituents from crude drug by boiling it in water for 15 minutes, cooling, straining and  passing sufficient cold water through the drug to produce the required volume
f. Infusion: It is a dilute solution of the readily soluble components of the crude drugs. Fresh infusions are prepared by macerating the solids for a short period of time with either cold or boiling water.
g. Digestion: This is a kind of maceration in which gentle heat is applied during the maceration extraction process. It is used when moderately elevated temperature is not objectionable and the solvent efficiency of the menstrum is increased thereby.
h. Percolation: This is the procedure used most frequently to extract active ingredients in the preparation of tinctures and fluid extracts. A percolator (a narrow, cone-shaped vessel open at both ends) is generally used. The solid ingredients are moistened with an appropriate amount of the specified menstrum and allowed to stand for approximately 4 h in a well closed container, after which the mass is packed and the top of the percolator is closed. Additional menstrum is added to form a shallow layer above the mass, and the mixture is allowed to macerate in the closed percolator for 24 h. The outlet of the percolator then is opened and the liquid contained therein is allowed to drip slowly. Additional menstrum is added as required, until the percolate measures about threequarters of the required volume of the finished product. The marc is then pressed and the expressed liquid is added to the percolate. Sufficient menstrum is added to produce the required volume, and the mixed liquid is clarified by filtration or by standing followed by decanting i. Sonication: The procedure involves the use of ultrasound with frequencies ranging from 20 kHz to 2000 kHz; this increases the permeability of cell walls and produces cavitation. Although the process is useful in some cases, like extraction of rauwolfia root, its large-scale application is limited due to the higher costs. One disadvantage of the procedure is the occasional but known deleterious effect of ultrasound energy (more than 20 kHz) on the active constituents of medicinal plants through formation of free radicals and consequently undesirable changes in the drug molecules.

Phytochemical screening: Phytochemical examinations were carried out for all the extracts as per the standard methods.
 1. Detection of alkaloids: Extracts were dissolved individually in dilute Hydrochloric acid and filtered.
a) Mayer’s Test: Filtrates were treated with Mayer’s reagent (Potassium Mercuric Iodide). Formation of a yellow coloured precipitate indicates the presence of alkaloids.
b) Wagner’s Test: Filtrates were treated with Wagner’s reagent (Iodine in Potassium Iodide). Formation of brown/reddish precipitate indicates the presence of alkaloids.
c) Dragendroff’s Test: Filtrates were treated with Dragendroff’s reagent (solution of Potassium Bismuth Iodide). Formation of red precipitate indicates the presence of alkaloids.
d) Hager’s Test: Filtrates were treated with Hager’s reagent (saturated picric acid solution). Presence of alkaloids confirmed by the formation of yellow coloured precipitate.
2. Detection of carbohydrates: Extracts were dissolved individually in 5 ml distilled water and filtered. The filtrates were used to test for the presence of carbohydrates.
a) Molisch’s Test: Filtrates were treated with 2 drops of alcoholic α-naphthol solution in a test tube. Formation of the violet ring at the junction indicates the presence of Carbohydrates.
 b) Benedict’s Test: Filtrates were treated with Benedict’s reagent and heated gently. Orange red precipitate indicates the presence of reducing sugars.
c) Fehling’s Test: Filtrates were hydrolysed with dil. HCl, neutralized with alkali and heated with Fehling’s A & B solutions. Formation of red precipitate indicates the presence of reducing sugars.
3. Detection of glycosides: Extracts were hydrolysed with dil. HCl, and then subjected to test for glycosides.
 Modified Borntrager’s Test: Extracts were treated with Ferric Chloride solution and immersed in boiling water for about 5 minutes. The mixture was cooled and extracted with equal volumes of benzene. The benzene layer was separated and treated with ammonia solution. Formation of rose-pink colour in the ammonical layer indicates the presence of anthranol glycosides.
4. Legal’s Test: Extracts were treated with sodium nitropruside in pyridine and sodium hydroxide. Formation of pink to blood red colour indicates the presence of cardiac glycosides.
5. Detection of saponins
a) Froth Test: Extracts were diluted with distilled water to 20ml and this was shaken in a graduated cylinder for 15 minutes. Formation of 1 cm layer of foam indicates the presence of saponins.
b) Foam Test: 0.5 gm of extract was shaken with 2 ml of water. If foam produced persists for ten minutes it indicates the presence of saponins.
6. Detection of phytosterols
a) Salkowski’s Test: Extracts were treated with chloroform and filtered. The filtrates were treated with few drops of Conc. Sulphuric acid, shaken and allowed to stand. Appearance of golden yellow colour indicates the presence of triterpenes.
 b) Libermann Burchard’s test: Extracts were treated with chloroform and filtered. The filtrates were treated with few drops of acetic anhydride, boiled and cooled. Conc. Sulphuric acid was added. Formation of brown ring at the junction indicates the presence of phytosterols.
7. Detection of phenols Ferric Chloride Test: Extracts were treated with 3-4 drops of ferric chloride solution. Formation of bluish black colour indicates the presence of phenols.
8. Detection of tannins Gelatin Test: To the extract, 1% gelatin solution containing sodium chloride was added. Formation of white precipitate indicates the presence of tannins.
9. Detection of flavonoids
a) Alkaline Reagent Test: Extracts were treated with few drops of sodium hydroxide solution. Formation of intense yellow colour, which becomes colourless on addition of dilute acid, indicates the presence of flavonoids.
b) Lead acetate Test: Extracts were treated with few drops of lead acetate solution. Formation of yellow colour precipitate indicates the presence of flavonoids.
10. Detection of proteins and aminoacids
a) Xanthoproteic Test: The extracts were treated with few drops of conc. Nitric acid. Formation of yellow colour indicates the presence of proteins.
b) Ninhydrin Test: To the extract, 0.25% w/v ninhydrin reagent was added and boiled for few minutes. Formation of blue colour indicates the presence of amino acid. 11. Detection of diterpenes Copper acetate Test: Extracts were dissolved in water and treated with 3-4 drops of copper acetate solution. Formation of emerald green colour indicates the presence of diterpenes