Monday 14 September 2015

Medical Research book By:Jaikumar pareta

Drug delivery by nails

Medical Research book By:Jaikumar pareta

8257 words, English

 Medical > Research
ISBN: 978-131-01433-28

By jaikumar pareta. Price: $4.00. Category: Nonfiction / Health, wellbeing, & medicine / Medicine / Research.
Nails are the hard and durable epidermal appendages structurally horny in nature. Nail plate is responsible for the penetration of the drug across it. There are number of formulations with antifungal agents viz. gels, creams and oral antifungals for the treatment of transungual infections. Among these entire nail lacquers is a new concept in treating nail infections. These nail lacquers are effective as monotherapy in treatment of superficial, distal and subungual diseases

The field of nail drug delivery following topical application is relatively young and more research in this field is needed to resolve the conflicting reports on the physico-chemical parameters that influence nail drug permeation and to find and characterize new penetration enhancers and delivery vehicles. It might be possible to include enhancers within nail lacquers
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Monday 7 September 2015

New Medical book for Skin therapy

New medical book by: Jaikumar pareta

Emulgel: new advances in skin therapy” 

by : Jaikumar pareta

Own this DRM-free epub ebook (41 pages) forever, just $1.00.

Emulgels are emulsions, either of the oil-in-water or water-in-oil type, which are gelled by mixing with a gelling agent. Emulsified gel is stable one and superior vehicle for hydrophobic or poorly water soluble drugs. In short emulgels are the combination of emulsion and gel.

emulgel: new advances in skin therapy

Written by Jaikumar pareta - 

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Emulgels are emulsions, either of the oil-in-water or water-in-oil type, which are gelled by mixing with a gelling agent. Emulsified gel is stable one and superior vehicle for hydrophobic or poorly water soluble drugs. In short emulgels are the combination of emulsion and gel.




Adult Nonfiction

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