Tuesday 25 August 2015

Medical book by Jaikumar pareta


A plant for future

Medical book By Jaikumar pareta
With the emergence of Ayurveda and the related herbs and plants, there are many plants, which are researched about, and people are showing interest in knowing the values of thee plants, which lost their importance. Jimson weed is one of those plants, which had many medicinal values and was recognized by ayurvedic physicians in the previous times in the Indian subcontinent. Now with the renewed interest that is being taken in the Jimson weed here we would discuss the Jimson weed and its medicinal values.
Datura plant is also known as "Datura stramonium" which is its scientific name. The other names are Jimson weed, Stinkweed, Mad Apple, Apple Thorn, Stramonium and Dhatura tatula. The parts, which are used, are the seeds, leaves and flowers. It is mainly found in the foothills of Himalayan mountain range and each flower of Datura plant is large and in the shape of a trumpet which bloom only in the summer season and in the nights. The stalk of this plant is woody and the flowers of this plant are either white or purple. It can also be found in varying shades of yellow. They have pods, which look like spikes. The arrangement of leaves is alternate. As stated earlier the flower blossoms at night and has fresh lime like fragrance but due to it’s blooming in the night the pollination of this plant is difficult. So the only insect that pollinates this plant primarily is Hawk Moth, there are other insects as well, which visit the flower in the early morning that also helps in the process of pollination.
The Thornapple is, like the Henbane, a member of the order Solanaceae. It belongs to the genus Datura, which consists of fifteen species, distributed throughout the warmer portion of the whole world, the greatest number being found in Central America. Nearly all of them are used locally in medicine, and are characterized by similar properties to those of the official species, Datura stramonium. The plants vary from herbs to shrubs, and even trees.
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Category: Education,  Herbs & Spices,  Health,  Nature
Keywords: thornapple, Datura, moonflower
Published: 04/23/2015
Words: 7,550
Bookviews: 261

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Houston, TX 77002

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